
Online Admission


Welcome to Green Field Academy!

Dear Students,
Best Wishes For Your Future!
Our aim is to realize the truth and importance of discipline along with the education. We are aspired to understand the practical problems faced by students. We try our best to groom them into a person of positive attitude.
We dream big for our children and members of Green Field family.


The school provides an environment in which every individual is cared for spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and to inculcate patriotism values that enhance the learning capacity, build confidence in children, to be innovative and creative. To groom them for being the autonomous learners which in turn them competitive to face the future challenges. The school believes that they should be valued for their individuality, culture and heritage; they should be encouraged to develop their full potential in a stimulating and caring environment.
We belive in...... "Love, Faith & Sacrifice.

Latest News


(All Student/Parents of Baludeeh Mahewaganj Branch Kindly Note) Due to Lok Sabha Election, the School Building has been occupied by the District Administration for staying the Central Forces, so the School shall remain closed from 09-05-2024 to 13-05-2024. It will reopen on 14-05-2024 with its usual timing..


(All Student/Parents of Lakhimpur Branch Kindly Note) Due to Lok Sabha Election, the School shall remain closed on 13-05-2024. It will reopen on 14-05-2024 with its usual timing. Lakhimpur Branch.

"GFA" A Unique Source of Learning

Our Other Branch